Free Letters of Complaint
Goodbye Letter Babysitter Goodbye Letter

Dear {Recipient},

{Children's Names} have probably drawn you enough pictures to adequately express their gratitude, but I thought that I too would write you a note just to tell you how grateful I am for all of your hard work.

I remember babysitting gigs as a teenager and friends who did it as well. I remember how much room there was for slacking off and coasting by. Before I hired you I was so nervous about leaving my precious babies alone with a stranger. You have been an absolute gem, though. I am so thankful for your dedication, discipline, and kindness when dealing with my children. I am hard-pressed to think of anyone else I would want to entrust my children with, and I am sorry that you have to leave.

We have all loved having you as a nanny. The children adore you, and I am so pleased that they've progressed so far in {subject} under your care and tutelage. You have helped improve my children's knowledge, kept them safe, entertained them, fed them, and made their sports and activities possible.

I wish you the best of luck with your studies and your next endeavors. You will be sorely missed here, and I hope you can find some time in your schedule to come visit the kids sometimes.

Thanks again.



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